The perfect stocking stuffer for...

The perfect stocking stuffer for...

Swap out the socks, jocks and Lynx Africa...for something they actually need this Christmas. With a product suited for everyone, the Vitadrop range is the perfect stocking stuffer. Help your loved ones stayed healthy, hydrated and feeling fresh all summer long!

1) For the social butterfly who needs an extra boost
(or who parties a little too hard):
HYDRATE+ Energy + Mood Loaded with a mix of vitamins and minerals, like B vitamins, Vitamin C, iron, and zinc, to boost your energy levels, mood, and overall health. PS - It’s also championed for helping to ease those pesky hangovers!

2) For the one who struggles to sleep in the summer heat:

HYDRATE+ Sleep Support Enjoy a restful night even on the hottest summer eves. Our unique blend of carefully chosen ingredients designed to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality naturally, without the grogginess often associated with other sleep aids.

3) For the fitness fanatic:

HYDRATE+ Sports Recovery Perfect for those who aren’t afraid to sweat it out in the sun! Replace the essential electrolytes and minerals lost through perspiration, rehydrate quickly and support muscle recovery after a sweaty sesh!

4) For the skincare enthusiast:

HYDRATE+ Collagen Glow Give the gift that keeps them glowing all year long. This skin-enhancing blend is specially formulated to support better overall skin hydration, structure and elasticity – contributing to a fresher, more youthful complexion.